Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) “VIMARSH”: Students are the common for both parents and teacher. That requires meticulous grooming and nurturing. Keeping this tradition of healthy democratic practice, the collage has a parents-teachers association which throughout the session provides a podium for parents to monitor and share a dialogue with teaches in reference to the progress of their wards. Every year, with the commencement of the academic session the college invites parents/guardians and acquaint them with the latest developments and new procedures implements in the collage for the session Their suggestions are given due weightage.
Objectives of Parent Teacher Association ( P.T.A.)
To provide a forum for collaborative effort of parents, teachers & students towards quality teacher education.
To make assessment of teacher training programmes in order to make it effective and relevant.
To invite the perspectives of parents & teacher trainees about the functioning of institution.
To identify the strengths and limitations of the existing teacher training programme.
To invite the views of parents about the quality of existing teacher training programme.
To invite teacher trainees’ views on the needs & problems related to existing training programme.
To acquaint the parents about various programmes taken by college for professional development of teacher trainees.
To draw out the best in the teacher trainees with the collaborative efforts of parents & teacher educators.
To bring out interactive strategies for quality improvement in teacher education.